2023 Legislative Action

Alameda County Coalition for Fair Redistricting endorsed AB764 and AB1248. Please take a look at the Factsheets and make a call to your senator and ask their support on these bills!


AB 764 FAIR MAPS Act Fact Sheet.pdf
AB 1248 Independent Redistricting Commissions Fact Sheet.pdf

let's ask our senators to vote yes on #Fairmaps!

Senate District 7 (North Alameda County, San Leandro)

Senator Nancy Skinner: Call (916) 651-4009 Email Tweet @NancySkinnerCA

Senate District 9 (Sunol, Tri-Valley)

Senator Steve Glazer: Call (916) 651-4007 Email Tweet @Steve_Glazer

Senate District 10 (Unincorporated Eden, Tri-City)

Senator Aisha Wahab: Call (916) 651-4410 Email Tweet @aishabbwahab

Sample Script: Hello my name is _________, and I live in ___________. I am asking Senator ________ to support AB764 and AB1248. Fair Maps are the foundation of the democracy. People not the elected officials should draw maps. Thank you.